Artist Jonty Lees brings his peculiar humour and style to this original new children’s book. Downtrodden and hen-pecked by his partner and two daughters, the “Daddy” of the story decides to take things into his own hands.
Tired of not being able to eat his favourite pies, listen to Neil Diamond and do the things he likes to do he starts to make changes around the house...
The inevitable fight that results between the family is funny, unusual and, at times, bizarre. And only after they have battled over food, fashion, interior decorating, personal hygiene and music do they all unite again as one big happy family.
> Perfect gift book for all frustrated Dads
> Second in a series of illustrated children’s books from great new talent
> Beautiful drawings and wonderful humour
> Aimed at Key Stage 1, children aged 3 +
Jonty Lees studied Fine Art at Falmouth College of Art before taking an MFA in sculpture at the Slade School of Art. He has had solo exhibitions at Newlyn Art Gallery, MOOT Nottingham and Tate St. Ives. In 2007 he was artist in residence at Tate St. Ives. He lives in Cornwall with his partner and two daughters. This is his second book.